

Recent Obituaries
In Memoriam Archive

Patricia Sherry Schiewe ’43

Patricia Sherry Schiewe ’43, April 11, 1997, in Portland, Oregon. After graduating from Reed, and at the encouragement of a Reed counselor, Patricia attended the University of Oregon Medical School (now Oregon Health Sciences University). She received a degree in 1946 and interned and served her residency at Emanuel Hospital. While attending the school, she met and married Paul Schiewe. In 1950–53, she was a ward physician at the Fort Harrison Veterans Hospital in Helena, Montana. With the birth of her two daughters, she left her position, and the family moved to Astoria, Oregon, where her husband established a practice. After his death in 1958, she moved to Portland and began working at the outpatient clinic of the Veterans Administration regional office. The only woman physician on the staff, she was named Federal Woman of the Year in 1966 for her work with the Veterans Administration, and she was appointed clinic director in 1969. She was also active in Girl Scouts and the alumni associations of both Reed and the medical school. Survivors include her two daughters, a sister, and two grandchildren.

Appeared in Reed magazine: August 1997