

Recent Obituaries
In Memoriam Archive

Mary Gayle Killgore ’67

Mary Gayle Killgore ’67, July 12, 2003, in Texas, from cancer and emphysema. Gayle received her bachelor’s degree from Reed in general literature. She married Grayson K. Meade ’67 in 1968, and they lived in Indiana, Nebraska, and Texas, before moving to Alaska, where they taught in the remote villages of Bethel and Selawik. In 1978, Gayle went through a divorce, and moved with her two children to Anchorage, operating her own business as a legal secretary for the Alaska State court system. She also worked with abused women. In 1983 she returned to Texas, working first as a legal secretary and then in the home health field, for which she became passionate. In 2001 she began a grueling battle against cancer. Survivors include her daughter and son, three grandsons, and her parents. Her mother, Mary Killgore, reports that Gayle often shared positive memories about individuals she knew at Reed, and about Reed’s unique community and academic character.

Appeared in Reed magazine: November 2003